Agency Banking

A holistic package has been designed to cover different aspects of a POS agent’s business


  • Electronic Equipment Insurance - This policy covers unforeseen and sudden physical loss or damage to an Insured Electronic Equipment (E.g. POS device used by the agents)

  • Money Insurance

    1. The Policy covers ‘Money’ in the custody of the Insured or the authorized employee(s) in the course of work.

    2. It extends to the following:

      • Cash- in-Transit: which covers money carried in a single transit and the estimated amount to be carried per annum.

      • Cash-in-Safe: covers the amount of money kept in a safe.

      • Cash-in-Personal custody: covers a minimum amount of money in the custody of designated staff

    Limits are specified per agent

  • Group Personal Accident Insurance covers the person(s) insured against the risks of death, permanent disablement, or injuries resulting from external and violent means occurring nationwide. It also covers medical expenses as a result of the injury.

    • Benefits

      The benefits provided by this cover include;

      a) Death

      b) Permanent Disability

      c) Medical Expenses

      Benefits could be arranged on lump sum/annual total earnings or multiples thereof for corporate bodies and the likes.

Last updated