Hopsital Cash


  • Areas of cover:

    1. This product covers the risk of an individual being hospitalized in any registered NHIS hospital for more than 3 nights.

    2. The policyholder must be between the ages of 18 and 64 years and be in a normal state of health when he or she first enrols

  • Claims Required Documentation:

    1. Original Copy of the Policy Document will be required.

    2. Proof of identity of the beneficiary or policyholder will be required.

    3. Account details of the beneficiary(ies)will be required.


The benefits include:

  • Cover/Benefit Size: The annual limit on the benefit is limited to a minimum of NGN 50,000 and a maximum of NGN 2,000,000

  • Benefit: Daily Cash Benefit subject to a minimum of 3 days of hospitalization

Last updated