Personal Accident

AIICO Shield Personal Accident Insurance is designed to provide an accident only insurance whereby the Insured, in any mishap, has access to some level of compensations for death, disability and medic

Benefits: The benefits includes compensation for:

  • Death Benefit: This is a lump sum benefit of N250,000.00, payable to the family of the deceased in consideration of the loss of their loved one due to accident.

  • Medical expenses: This is payable for medical treatment received from a registered hospital. The expenses must have been incurred within 30 days following the date of the accident and to exceed the aggregate of N50,000

  • Disability: This is in respect of an accident resulting in disability of the insured. Benefits payable in any circumstance will be subject to the scale below.

The scale of Compensation for Disability:

  • Loss of either one eye: N100,000.00

  • Loss of both eyes: N250,000.00

  • Loss of one hand: N100,000.00

  • Loss of both hands: N250,000.00

  • Loss of one leg: N100,000.00

  • Loss of both legs: N250,000.00

  • Loss of one hand & one leg: N250,000.00

  • Loss of one hand & one eye: N250,000.00

  • Loss of one leg & one eye: N250,000.00

Premium: The policy is structured on a flat premium basis of N1,500.00 for a single unit. (Multiple premiums secure equivalent multiple benefits). Exceptions:

Being an accident only policy, AIICO Shield Personal Accident does not cover:

  • Suicide

  • An insured who is under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or insanity

  • An insured who suffers from any physical defect prior to the accident

  • Childbirth or pregnancy

  • Loss caused by acts of declared or undeclared war, riot, civil commotion, hostilities, mutiny etc.

  • Injuries received during any Armed forces maneuvers or training exercises.

  • Sickness from natural causes.

Last updated