Home Content

AIICO Home Insurance protects you financially in the event that your home and property is damaged as a result of burglary or fire outbreak. It is designed essentially for those in a rented apartment.

Coverage: The policy offers protection in respect of: • Fire • Burglary & Theft • Death • Bodily injury

Benefits: The benefits include; • Compensation to the tune of N2million for fire damage to the content only • Compensation to the tune of N1million for burglary, • Rent for alternative accommodation up to N250,000 • Personal accident cover (disability, death, & medical expense) for the insured and spouse for claims occurring in the insured residence.

Premium: The policy is structured on a flat premium basis of N10, 000.00/annum (Multiple entries are not allowed on this policy). Exceptions: • It is strictly CONTENTS ONLY insurance • Does not provide cover for sum insured beyond N2million limit

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