Shop Content

AIICO Shop Insurance is designed to reduce the burden of shop owners, and enable them to start again in the event of fire outbreak.

Coverage: The policy offers protection in respect of: • Fire & special perils, • Permanent disability, • Medical expenses • Public liability.

Benefits: The benefits include; • Fire & special peril: In the case of a fire incident affecting the shop, the limit of liability is only for the loss of wares/stocks/materials in trade of the shop to a maximum of N2million (single unit). • Public liability: This benefit is a result of the possible effect of loss on neighbours thus giving rise to some legal claims on third-party liability. • Permanent disability: In the event of bodily injuries resulting in disability of the insured person. • Medical Expenses: The insured enjoys covers on medical expenses for injuries suffered as a result of a covered peril. Premium: The policy is structured on a flat premium basis of N10, 000.00/annum (Not more than a maximum of 3 multiple entries is allowed on this policy). Exceptions: • It is strictly CONTENTS ONLY insurance • Does not provide cover for sum insured beyond N6 million limit

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